In my life one of the people i really hate are politicians because of their lies & they all ways make problems to people rather than giving solutions to the people.
This is a story about a similar case that the politician making bloody mess out of a road name.I am living in Maharagama Pradeshiya Sabha area and one day they have just removed the old name board of our lane and replaced with a new name.
They never informed us about the changing the name and what we found about the real truth about this incident is really shocking.
The rename have occurred due to family living in our road and with a backing of a politician in the Maharagama Pradeshiya Sabha.The family needed to name the road by their fathers name who is nobody and haven't done any work to the area.By the backing of a dirty politician they have done so.
In our lane there around more than 35 families living and nobody except the family who have involved in this incident doesn't like this move. So we have written a latter with our signatures to the Maharagama Pradeshiya Sabha to reinstall the previous name of the road. And after few weeks they have sent a letter asking both parties who like & dislike the move to come to Maharagama Pradeshiya Sabha to settle the problem rather than reinstalling the previous name that has been for the last 25 years.
This is a just another single small incident that have created by politicians in Sri Lanka that shows that they are capable of creating new problems rather than solving problems that is already occurred.